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Parish Partners

In 2004, Catholic Charities began a Parish Outreach Program to build bridges between Catholic Charities and parishes. The goals of the program are to increase awareness of services provided by Catholic Charities and parishes, foster collaboration to enhance our common mission to serve God’s poor, and provide parishes with the opportunity to serve. We engage pastors and parishioners, Catholic Charities board members, volunteers and staff. We currently have over 200 member parishes and hope to partner with many more.

Together we advocate on behalf of the poor in many ways:

  • Parishes refer people in need to Catholic Charities services
  • Some parishes host Catholic Charities initiatives such as maternal wellness programs, health fairs, on-site social workers or hot evening suppers for the hungry and homeless
  • Others partner with Catholic Charities to expand their existing ministries

Catholic Charities Helps Parishes By...

  • Helping those in crisis with basic needs, and screening for public benefits eligibility such as food stamps and health care
  • Providing high-quality, affordable child care at nine centers located at or near parishes
  • Providing counseling to school-aged children at targeted parish schools
  • Offering affordable individual, couples and family counseling within parish communities
  • Coordinating community health fairs at parishes, which include free screenings, information and other services
  • Helping those grieving the loss of a loved one through our Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide (LOSS) Program, which holds support groups and provides individual counseling in parishes, community centers and schools

Parishes Help Catholic Charities By...

  • Sponsoring families in self-sufficiency programs, including transitional housing and refugee services
  • Collecting food to supply our pantries
  • Educating people about Catholic Charities with information in weekly bulletins and on parish websites
  • Appointing a parish representative to our Parish Outreach Program
  • Supporting Catholic Charities’ Annual Mother’s Day Appeal, our only direct parish collection
  • Providing Christmas gifts and other necessities to children, adults and families in need
  • Providing volunteers, food, and dining space for weekly suppers
  • Sending parish youth to fulfill required service hours at Catholic Charities programs and events


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